quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

EXTREMO ZONA LESTE: quarta feira 07/07/10. "Diga que me ama"

Hoje, quarta feira dia 07/07/10 fui fazer uma ocorrência, a pedido de uma protetora, no extremo na zona leste.
Ao longo do caminho fotografei alguns peludos.

Say you love me

Being one of those grains of sand
I get blown all around the world
And what I make of it
Oh I don't know
What's the meaning of it
Oh I don't know

I've been around so many times
that the world's turning in my mind
What do I think of it
Oh it's so so

What more can you be than the things they say you've been

Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl
Just say you love me
Just say you love me

I never ever realised
It's so easy to make you cry
But did I break a bit
Oh I hope no
Have you forgot about it
Oh I hope so

But you never ever wonder why
In every single pair of eyes
There is a hunger in it
Or it's soul dies

What more can you be than the things they say you've been

Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl

Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl
Just say you love me

Come on now darling, say you love me
Oh yeah, please please say you love me
Come on say you love me

Nas últimas fotos dois filhotões pretos, uma fêmea (está entrando no cio) e uma macho com sarna. Junto com eles um amarelinho e um lobinho com lindos olhos azuis.
Eles foram fotografados na rua Manoel Chavez, n.1 frente a av. Sapopemba n. 16.878.

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